Sunday, November 26, 2006

The First Post

Ah yes, the first post of the blog. Well today is Sunday, November 26, 2006, and I got up at about 1 p.m. Yeah that probably seems a little late, but for me and my distorted circadian rhythms is's just about right. Please excuse any spelling or grammar errors as I am using a new software, called Dragon Naturally Speaking 9, that allows me to speak into a microphone, rather than type with a keyboard. While this is much better for my hands it may not be as good for my writing style.

So, yesterday was great. I got to see my brother, George, who I don't get to see very often, and his family (Sara and Ellie). They flew in from Michigan, Wednesday night and had to return this morning. Last night, we all had a great dinner followed by an intense game of "Settlers of Cataan". Sara ended up beating us all, which was great. We also did a family picture, which I hope to post on our website soon. This is a little bit of a comical story, in that we used George's Christmas present to Dad from last year to illuminate our picture setting. These lights were not intended for photography, but rather painting, and they put out about 500 W of light. Needless to say, we were all seeing stars after the picture.

Today, I plan to go to GMU's library and study for about three hours for my final exam in Software Engineering 625 "Software Project Management." 'Til Next Time!